Our approach to reporting

Our Sustainability Report concisely outlines our performance on our sustainability journey. We encourage our stakeholders to read this report with the Group's Annual Report and Accounts 2021 and Our Approach to Climate Change report

We transparently and succinctly report on our material matters, guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. This year we implemented the recommendations of the Task force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in our annual report. We also adhere to the International Finance Corporation Environmental, Health and Safety (IFC EHS) Guidelines and the Equator Principles as well as applicable standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 

Our Sustainability Report covers operations managed by the Group in 2021. The positive and negative impacts of all material matters are presented in themes outlined in the material matters section. Each material matter could change our existing environmental, economic and social systems. 

Sustainability platform

View our latest sustainable development platform

  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014







Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy

View on pdf




Our approach to Climate Change

While the risk of climate change has been understood for several decades, the need for urgent global action to mitigate its impact has recently accelerated very rapidly and is now a top priority for all energy intensive businesses.

Harry Kenyon-Slaney

Gem diamonds


I believe Gem Diamonds managed to implement one of the best-managed COVID-19 programmes I have seen anywhere in the world. After we lost five weeks of production in 2020, we did not shut down the mine for COVID-19-related reasons at all in 2021.

Mike Brown

Gem diamonds

Sustainability Committee Chairman

We remain committed to preserving and enhancing our social licence to operate by collaborating with our stakeholders, including government, employees, and communities to develop appropriate solutions that deliver shareholder returns and improve lives.

Clifford Elphick

Gem diamonds


The climate change scenario analysis conducted in 2021 has further informed our risk analysis and planning. We are acutely aware of the challenge in achieving sweeping progress and balancing the reality of our operating context including our scale, location, and the dependence on fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa.

Brandon de Bruin

Gem diamonds



Our principles


Creating a safe and healthy working environment


Improving resource use efficiencies


Upholding business integrity


environmental protection


Prioritising the development and well-being of our employees


Optimising socio-economic benefit

Prioritising environmental protection

We are committed to minimising the impact our operations have on the natural environment by mitigating potential environmental impacts, responsibly managing natural resources and rehabilitating the environment at mine closure.

2021 Sustainability Overview











Our commitment to responsible environmental stewardship and the UN SDGs compels us to better understand and manage our impact on the natural environment, mitigating climate change and other environmental risks, so that we leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Our 2021 performance in numbers

  • Zero major environmental incidents for the 13th consecutive year (2020: zero)
  • US$14.9 million environmental rehabilitation provision (2020: US$16.1 million)
  • Annual social and environmental management plan (SEMP) audit programme implemented

The Group’s purpose “Unearthing unique possibilities”, is directly underpinned by three key priorities; extracting maximum value from operations, preparing for our future and working responsibly and maintaining our social licence to operate.

Our social licence to operate depends on regular engagement with government and local communities, as well as financial and practical support, to address challenges with mutually beneficial and sustainable solutions. As responsible operators and social partners in our host countries, we endeavour to maintain healthy and constructive relationships with governments and our PACs.

As mining life is finite, we need to establish CSI projects that continue to create value in our absence.

Our 2021 performance in numbers

  • US$0.2 million invested in COVID-19 community relief (2020: US$0.1 million)
  • US$0.8 million invested in social projects (2020: US$0.3 million)
  • US$164.9 million spent on local procurement (2020: US$126.9 million)

Our primary objective is safeguarding the health and safety of our employees, their families and surrounding communities – everyone should work and live in a safe environment every day.

We promote equality, diversity and professional development for employees at every business level with attention to their physical and psychological well-being.

Our 2021 performance in numbers

  • Zero fatalities (2020: zero)
  • US$0.7 million invested in COVID-19 mitigation measures (2020: US$1.1 million) at Letšeng
  • Letšeng retained ISO 45001 certification

Our holistic approach to business performance integrates our sustainability principles and daily activities to uphold our social licence to operate, generate fair returns for our shareholders and sustainable value for all our stakeholders.

Our 2021 performance in numbers

  • US$201.9 million in revenue (2020: US$189.6 million)
  • US$4.0 million in capital expenditure (2020: US$1.6 million)
  • US$57.4 million underlying earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) (2020: US$53.2 million underlying pre-exceptional EBITDA)

Our commitment to governance and ethics excellence ensures that good corporate citizenship permeates the business. We understand that the value of our exquisite diamonds is determined by the way we mine. We therefore produce and distribute rough and polished diamonds according to the highest ethical and legal standards.

Our 2021 performance in numbers

  • Every recovered rough diamond is certified through the Kimberley Process
  • Zero cases of bribery, corruption and anti-competitive behaviour to date (2020: zero)
  • Fully compliant with government regulations and relevant voluntary codes for product and service information labelling

Our Reporting Context

Material matters

Regular engagements with shareholders and other stakeholders provide relevant input for decision-making, promote the long-term sustainability of the Group and enable our contribution to wider society.

View our material matters

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our archive holds all relevant news and RNS releases as part of our listing requirements for the LSE.

View UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our approach to reporting

Good governance is not dependent on laws but on the principles and qualities of those who govern them.

Read about our approach to reporting