Our approach to reporting

In this, our eleventh Sustainable Development Report, we present a snapshot of our sustainability performance.

As an organisation, we continue to improve the content, depth and structure of our sustainability and corporate social responsibility programmes across all of our operations. Drawing on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines – and the supporting Mining and Metals Sector Supplement – we endeavour to report transparently and in a globally relevant manner. We also adhere to the International Finance Corporation Environmental, Health and Safety (IFC EH&S) Guidelines and the Equator Principles, as well as applicable ISO standards.

Although this publication is presented as a standalone report, we are striving to illustrate our progress in integrating sustainability principles into our core business processes. We, therefore, encourage you to read this report in conjunction with the Group's 2019 Annual Report.

Scope and boundary

This report covers operations managed by the Group during 2019. Positive and negative impacts of all material matters are presented in themes outlined further in the Material matters section. Each material matter has the potential to change our existing environmental, economic and social systems.


Data contained in this report is based on the monitoring of selected performance criteria, mainly from the GRI Guidelines, as well as from the IFC EH&S Guidelines and the Equator Principles. Data is continuously monitored and reported to the Group at monthly, quarterly and annual intervals. We strive to show trends for five years unless the information is not available.

Although the data we report in this publication is not independently verified, it has been endorsed by our internal quality control processes, as well as through external safety, health, legal and environmental systems audits undertaken on an annual basis. 

Terms used within the report

Gem Diamonds or the Group/the Company

  • refers to all companies within the Gem Diamonds Group.

The company/operation

  • refers to the relevant company, for example, Letšeng.


  • refers to the Letšeng mine, located in the Kingdom of Lesotho (Letšeng Diamonds).


  • refers to the Ghaghoo mine, located in the Republic of Botswana (Gem Diamonds Botswana).